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Fakultät für Informatik
Arbeitsgruppe Entwurfsautomatisierung für Eingebettete Systeme

Dr.-Ing. Georg von der Brüggen


TU Dortmund
Fakultät Informatik, Lehrstuhl 12
Arbeitsgruppe Entwurfsautomatisierung für Eingebettete Systeme
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 16, Raum E-19

44227 Dortmund


Short Bio

I rejoined the Design Automation for Embedded Systems Group at TU Dort­mund University as a Senior Researcher in October 2021, also supervising the Hardware Lab. Beforehand, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) in Kaiserslautern, Germany, as part of the Real-Time Systems Research Group headed by Björn Brandenburg since February 2020. Previously, I was a graduate student (2014-2019) at TU Dortmund working with Jian-Jia Chen and received my Diploma in Computer Science from TU Dortmund in 2013.

© Georg von der Brüggen ​/​ TU Dortmund

Research Interests

My research interests are real-time systems and embedded systems, with a focus on real-time scheduling theory, uncertain execution behavior, dynamic real-time systems, mixed-criticality systems, probabilistic schedulability, self-suspension, multiprocessor resource sharing, utilization bounds, and speedup factors.

Full lists of my publications:     dblp.org     google scholar

Professional Activities

Current Events:

Past Events:

Past Program Committee Involvement:

Other Past Activities:


  • IEEE Transactions on Computers
  • Real-Time Systems (TIME)
  • IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
  • Journal of Systems Architecture
  • Journal of Computer Science and Technology
  • Design Automation for Embedded Systems

Subreviewer: EMSOFT 2024, EMSOFT 2022, RTAS 2022, EMSOFT 2020, RTNS 2019, ISLPED 2018, RTSS 2017, PATMOS 2017, DATE 2017, RTAS 2016, VLSI 2016