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RaVi is implemented as a set of designs developed with the HADES system (Hamburg Design System). HADES is an object-oriented and java language based WWW-enabled framework for interactive simulation of digital systems. It includes a graphical schematics editor, several simulation engines and a library of simulation models. If you are more interested in the HADES system or if you would like to develop your own designs, please have a look at the HADES homepage and documentation.
The actual version of RaVi contains the training components itemised below. By selecting an item in the list you will find a full description of the component content. It describes exactly what we have realised.
cacheprotocol - the MESI protocol as an example for multi-processor cache coherence protocols.
mesi - the finite state machine of the MESI protocol.
microprog - a micro-coded version of the MIPS processor.
pipeline - the implementation of a MIPS pipeline.