ERC Consolidator Award

Professor Chen is getting support from Brussels for his project “PropRT - Property-Based Modulable Timing Analysis and Optimization for Complex Cyber-Physical Real-Time Systems” – something he is very pleased about: “I see it as a great honor that the European Research Council has acknowledged my work in the shape of an ERC Consolidator Grant,” he says.
His project will deliver a comprehensive overview of potential design, analysis and optimization alternatives for timing properties in cyber-physical real-time systems. Cyber-physical real-time systems are information processing systems that require both functional as well as timing correctness and have interactions with the physical world. Since time naturally progresses in the physical world, safe bounds of deterministic or probabilistic timing properties are required. PropRT will explore the possibilities to construct timing analysis for complex cyber-physical real-time systems from formal properties. The target properties should be modular so that safe and tight analysis as well as optimization can be performed almost automatically. The results can serve as building blocks for the design of predictable cyber-physical systems which could trigger a revolution in computer architectures and communication mechanisms in the near future.