Prof. i.R. Peter Marwedel
TU Dortmund
Informatik 12
Otto-Hahn-Str. 16
44227 Dortmund
By appointment only. Please send an e-mail in urgent cases, or contact the secretary in urgent cases.

Recent Highlights
- More than 14.000 views of my channel “cyphysystems” on youtube.
- Third edition of the text book on embedded system design published (late 2017/early 2018 (taking multi-cores into account))
- Course on cyber-physical system design at IIT Delhi (February 12-20, 2018).
- Keynote at sasimi workshop at Matsue, Japan (March 26, 2018)
- 8265 citations and h-index of 46 reached on google scholar. (April 25th, 2018)
- >10000 reads on Researchgate (April 25th, 2018)
- Keynote “Drilling holes into the walls between disciplines” at KTH Stockholm (May 17th, 2018)
- Cyber-physical systems
- Embedded software
- Low-power software
- Compilers for embedded Prozessors
- Timing predictability
- Fault resilient embedded software
- Resource aware machine learning
- Multimedia Components for Computer Architecture Education
- High-level Synthesis
- Test program generation for processors
- Enjoying retirement
- ACM Senior member
- Teaching award of the University of Dortmund in 2003
- IEEE Fellow, 2010
- Fellow of the Design, Automation and Test Conference in Europe (DATE), 2010
- EDAA Lifetime Achievement Award, 2013
- ACM SIGDA Distinguished Service Award, 2014
- ESWEEK Lifetime Achievement Award, 2014
Professional Activities
- Chairman of the ArtistDesign Special Interest Group (EMSIG) of EDAA
- CEO of “Informatik Centrum Dortmund e.V.” (ICD) , head of the embedded systems group at ICD
- Member of the editorial board of the “Design Automation for Embedded Systems - An International Journal” .
- Member of the board of the computer engineering section of the Gesellschaft für Informatik
- Editor of the Springer series on Embedded Systems
- SFB 876 Collaborative Research Center SFB 876 - Providing Information by Resource-Contrained Data Analysis
- Software-based Fault Tolerance for Embedded Real-Time Systems
- MADNESS (Methods for predictAble Design of heterogeneous Embedded Systems with adaptivity and reliability Support; at ICD)
- Industrial projects (at ICD)
- MNEMEE (Memory management technology for adaptive and efficient design of embedded systems; supported by the European Commission (EC); at ICD)
- PREDATOR (Design for Predictability and Efficiency; supported by the European Commission (EC))
- ArtistDesign (supported by the European Commission (EC))
- ARTIST2 networks of excellence: core member (supported by the European Commission)
- Director of the cluster “compilers and timing analysis”
- Jointly leading the activity “resource aware design activity” with Luca Benini (U Bologna)
- Intra-cluster cooperation between timing-analysis and compiler subclusters
- Source code transformations
- Joint mobility action with the University of Linköping
- MAMS: multi-access multi services, Infineon + BMBF
- MORE: Network-centric Middleware for group communications and resource sharing across heterogenous embedded systems (supported by the European Commission)
- Hipeac networks of excellence: affiliated member (supported by the European Commission).
- VIVA: Low-power code generation techniques, supported by DFG
- Rapid prototyping: Development of code generation techniques for embedded processors, supported by DFG
- Generation of self-test programs for processors, supported by DFG
- LINK-project: Development of the OSCAR high-level synthesis tool, supported by the European Commission (EC)
- Design of MIMOLA high-level synthesis techniques, supported supported by the German ministry of education and research (BMBF)
- CHIPS-project: Design of code generation tools, supported by the CEC
- Code generation techniques, supported by Agilent, Westlake, CA
- Compiler development for Systemonic AG, Dresden (managed at ICD)
- Compiler development for networkprocessor for Infineon AG (managed at ICD)
- Simulation/debug/assembly enviroment for Infineon AG (managed at ICD)
- Profiling tool for test equipment (managed at ICD)
- Design of application specific processors, cooperation with IIT Delhi, supported by DAAD
- SIMBA-project: Multimedia project “Visualization of computer architecture” (subproject RaVi), supported by BMBF
- Curriculum design for the “IT Center Dortmund” (at ICD)
- SALLY: Design of a comprehensive high-level synthesis environment, supported by BMBF
- Earlier projects, supported by DFG
Positions Held, Major Previous Activities
- Vice Chair of Collaborative Research Center SFB 876
- 2009 EDAA PhD Forum at DATE
- 2010 EDAA PhD Forum at DATE
- 2011 EDAA PhD Forum at DATE
- 2012 EDAA PhD Forum at DATE
- 2013 EDAA PhD Forum at DATE
- 2014 EDAA PhD Forum at DATE
- Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical System Education (WESE)
- Workshop on Software Synthesis
- Affiliated partner of the HIPEAC network of excellence on High-Performance Embedded Systems.
- SCOPES workshop: co-chair for 2007, publicity chair for 2008-2014, chairman of the steering board
- Link collection on the relation between information technology and the environment
- Chair of the educational committee of the academic senate of the University of Dortmund
- Dean of student affairs of the Computer Science Department of TU Dortmund
- Chairman of the Computer Science Department at the University of Dortmund
- Chairman of the teaching committee of that department
- Member of the academic senate of Dortmund University
- Program chairman of ED&TC'95, ED&TC'96, DATE '2000
- Chairman of the special interest group of computer-based circuit and system design of the “Gesellschaft für Informatik” (GI), ITG and GMM
- Chairman of EDAA,chairman of the DATE sponsor's committee, EDAA lifetime achievement award committee, and the DATE advisory board
- European Representative for the IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop
- Started SCOPES series of workshops
- Guest editor for special issue of IEEE Design&Test on processor-based embedded systems
- Reviewer for computer engineering at the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (DFG; German research foundation)
- Curriculum design for the newly created IT-Center at Dortmund
- Coordinator for research effort on “intelligent information processing systems” at the University of Dortmund (“Forschungsband 8”)
- Working on standards for accreditation of computer science curricula within ASIIN and AVI
- Summer internship program for students of Indian Institutes of Technology
- Representative of DATE to ASPDAC
- Member of the ESDU, embedded system consortium at Dortmund University
- CASA workshop during Embedded Systems Week in Seoul, 2006
- Member of the editorial board of the Microelectronics Journal, published by Elsevier Science Ltd (until 2014)
- Cluster leader of the ArtistDesign network of excellence on Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Languages & Knowledge Level According to European Classification System
- German (native speaker, C2)
- English (fluent, C1/C2)
- Spanish (basic, A2/B1)
- French (basic, A2)
- low Saxon/Plattdeutsch (passive)
- Japanese (some terms of lessons; ドルトムント大学のせんせぃです, )
Weblinks (Legally Mostly Independent of TU Dortmund University)
- Press coverage
- Direct link to text book on embedded systems: versions, companion material
- Facebook Web pages
- Youtube
- List of web pages
After Cohn's law: The more time you spend on reporting what you're doing, the less time you have to do useful work. Stability is achieved when you spend all your time reporting on the nothing you are doing