Dr. Ching-Chi Lin
+49 (231) 755-6327
Technische Universität Dortmund
Lehrstuhl Informatik 12
Otto-Hahn-Str. 16
44227 Dortmund
Room E24

Short Bio
Ching-Chi Lin recieved his Ph.D. degree in Dec. 2018 from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University in Taiwan. His major research area is in parallel and distributed computing. In recent years, he expands his area of interest to deep machine learning and embedded systems.
Research Interests
- Paralle Computing
- Distributed System
- Cloud Computing
- Task Scheduling Algorithm
- Federated Learning
Professional Activities
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Journal of Systems Architecture
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
Subreviewer: RTAS 2023, DATE 2023, ICCAD 2022, EMSOFT 2022, RTAS 2022, ISLPED 2021, ECRTS 2021
- Google Scholar
- ORCID (ID: 0000-0002-9518-2809)
- Web of Science (Researcher ID:AAQ-7483-2021)