M.Sc. Mikail Yayla
Mikail Yayla left the DAES group in September 2023 and received his Dr.-Ing. degree in Feb. 2024.
E-Mail: mikail.yaylatu-dortmundde
Phone: +49 231 755-6110
Fax: +49 231 755-6116
Mikail Yayla
Technische Universität Dortmund
Lehrstuhl Informatik 12
Otto-Hahn-Str. 16
44227 Dortmund
Room E23

Research Interests
- Robust and Efficient Machine Learning for Embedded Systems
- Neural Networks
- Decision Trees and Random Forests
- Emerging Low-Power Hardware
- Digital and Analog Computing-based Accelerators
- Neuromorphic Accelerators
- Devices with Approximate Components (Memory, MAC-units, etc.)
- MLCAD 2019 (Subreviewer)
- ISLPED 2020, 2021 (Subreviewer)
- ICCAD 2022 (Subreviewer)
- MDPI Sensors
Supervised Theses:
- Efficient Training of Binarized Neural Networks through Gradient Information Drop (ongoing, Sanad Marji)
- Design and Implementation of a Fixed Point FFT Accelerator for Real-time Quantum Spin Noise Spectroscopy (ongoing, Dominik Riemer)
- Optimization of Hardware Design for Real-time Quantum Spin Noise Spectroscopy (completed by Sebastian Hilker)
- Design and Evaluation of Accelerator Organizations for Binarzed Neural Networks (completed by Somar Iskif)
- Efficient online learning in Spiking Neural Networks for drifting data streams (completed by Florian Köhler)
- GPU Acceleration for the Inference of Binarized Neural Networks (completed by Leonard Bereholschi)
- Design and Evaluation of Superscalar Processor Organizations for Single-Cycle and pipelined Architectures (completed by Robert Huber)
- Gradient-based Pruning of Binarized Neural Networks (completed by Ole Dickel)
- Hardware Acceleration for Real-time Quantum Spin Noise Spectroscopy (completed by Kevin Goldstein)
- Optimization of Processing Elements for Binarized Neural Networks (completed by Umut Yilmaz)
Good News
- Best Paper Nomination at DATE 2021
- SIGDA 2019 MLCAD Student Travel Grant